Dr. Grutter and his staff can provide comprehensive orthopaedic care to your patients with acute or chronic orthopaedic injuries. We welcome your referrals and make every effort to enhance communication between our office and yours. We understand how important quality health care and patient satisfaction are to your practice and we value those same qualities.
In most situations we can offer same day, or the following day appointments for your patients with urgent needs.
Informative educational materials for your patients can be found in the Patient Education section of this website.
Dr. Grutter also provides highlighted information for physicians on most orthopaedic conditions at the following website:
If you are interested in having your patient seen by Dr. Grutter, please contact us:
Office Phone: 615-675-2000
Office fax: 615-278-1672
We thank you for your referrals and look forward to providing world class care to your patients.